
Kale - LetPot's garden
Temperature: 18~24℃
Lighting: 10~14 hours/day
PH Value: 5.5~6.5
EC (Seedling): 0.8~1.2
EC (Growing): 1.2~1.8



Kale has established itself as a favorite among hydroponic growers for its robustness, rapid growth, and exceptional nutritional profile. 🌿

As a cool-season crop, it thrives in a hydroponic setting where its environment can be finely controlled, making it an excellent choice for year-round cultivation. Lighting for kale should be moderate, with about 10 to 14 hours per day, mimicking the natural light conditions it loves. It prefers cooler temperatures between 18°C to 24°C, which helps in retaining its sweet flavor. 🌡

The pH range is crucial for kale; keeping it between 5.5 to 6.5 ensures optimal nutrient uptake. During its seedling stage, keep the EC value from 0.8 to 1.2, and as it grows, gradually increase the EC from 1.2 to 1.8 to support its lush leaf development. Since kale doesn’t have a flowering stage as it is grown for its leaves, the EC values during a flowering period are not applicable. 🚿 

Germination is swift, generally taking between 5 to 8 days, followed by the seedling phase which lasts from 7 to 14 days. The growing period sees kale developing its full leafy structure over 21 to 28 days, finally reaching maturity between 50 to 70 days when its leaves are prime for harvesting. Harvesting kale leaves periodically promotes continuous growth, allowing you to have a sustained yield. 🌱 

When it comes to plant health, maintaining the correct water-nutrient balance and monitoring for pests such as aphids and caterpillars are key. Implementing a regular pruning schedule helps manage the plant’s size, encourages air circulation, and can prevent disease spread. While kale does not require pollination to produce its nutritious leaves, ensuring it receives adequate light and proper nutrients will result in healthy, vigorous growth. With the right care, kale can be a prolific provider in your hydroponic garden, bringing you a steady supply of greens packed with vitamins and minerals. 🥬 

Remember, clean your system regularly to keep it free from pathogens and ensure the healthiest growth conditions for your kale.


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